Dear Contract Corner,
I understand that all Unit A members must fulfill 6 hours of professional development. I’m confused about how to do this. Can you help me?
Dear Uncertain,
Yes, some years we are told how to fulfill these hours and some years we have more choice. This year, we have some choice. Here is some of the contract language on the professional development day:
The Professional Development day may be converted to a minimum of six (6) hours of pre-approved professional development learning activities related to a goal(s) of the Public Schools of Brookline. The administration will publish a list of specific learning opportunities that may be used to fulfill this requirement and employees may select from this list or propose to participate in and seek approval for other learning opportunities not included on such list. All professional development activities used to satisfy the 6-hour minimum requirement must be pre-approved by the employee’s appropriate supervisor(s).
Contract Corner
Dear Contract Corner,
I’m still not sure what I can use to apply towards my 183rd day. Can you clarify?
Need Confirmation
Dear Need Confirmation,
Here are some Q&A from Gabe McCormick, the Professional Development Director for the PSB:
Q. Do release days count toward the 183rd day?
A. No. Release days of any kind do not qualify for the 183rd day.
Q. Can I use an A day to complete a course for the 183rd day?
A. No, because A days are for important personal reasons not professional development and more significantly, it’s double-dipping, you can’t be paid twice for one day.
Q. Do courses from the summer 2014 qualify for the 183rd day?
A. Yes, any course taken during the FY 14 (July/Aug) qualifies for the 183rd day.
Q. Does RETELL course work count?
A. Yes, six hours of the RETELL course does qualify for the 183rd day.
Q. How many hours do Part Time Employees need to qualify for the 183rd day?
A. They need to complete hours on a pro-rated basis based on their FTE and will only be compensated at that proportion. For example: a .4 employee completes 0.4*6 hours of PD and is compensated accordingly.
Q. What should we do about employees taking a leave during the year?
A. They should make every effort to complete the 183rd day while they are still working. If there are extenuating circumstances preventing completion, contact Human Resources and will we consider the appropriate accommodate.
Q. Can a two day for 3 hours/day after school qualify for the 183rd day?
A. Yes. Any combination for a total of a six-hour course would work, such as the cultural proficiency course being offer.
Q, Should the teacher or supervisor submit documentation to the OHR/PD?
A. The teacher is responsible for submitting all required paperwork including the course approval form and selected evidence of course approval.
Dear Readers,
You can find the form to fill out by clicking on the Professional Development link on First Class. From there, click on Gabe’s entry called 183rd day. You should see the form attached.
Contract Corner