The School Committee suddenly canceled its full meeting for Nov.1, postponing public comment and other business until November 10, the day after the next bargaining session. We are therefore changing the date of our rally to November 10.
Please plan to come and encourage parents and other members of the community to come out to support paras and union administrators.
Let’s show them how determined we are to win a fair contract for paraprofessionals and BEU administrators by turning out on Nov. 10 (5:15 at Town Hall)
Help continue the proud history of the fight for dignity for paraprofessionals. See here.
The battle lines are once again drawn in Brookline – this time for the paraprofessionals, who are engaging in a major struggle for a barely acceptable wage and basic job security.
Negotiations ended after midnight on Tuesday with no agreement and with the parties far apart, especially on wages and job security. The BEU wants to move significantly toward salary comparability with Newton. We want the salary for full-time Paras to be $20,000 at minimum. The School Committee is balking at that, offering wage increases that amount to less than $2.00 a day for most, keeping their wages at under $19,000 a year. We are also far apart on basic job security, with the school committee refusing any layoff and recall language for paraprofessionals.