Any Questions or Concerns?
Your union negotiated protections for you in the evaluation system. If you have any questions in general, or there is any part of the evaluation process that is not going well, please talk to your BEU Building Rep as soon as possible. The BEU is here to help clear up any confusion and to support you through the process. Find your Building Rep listed at the BEU website, Note: if you do your part in meeting your obligations, but your evaluator does not evaluate you, your rating will be proficient. If you are non-renewed after not being evaluated, the union might be able to secure your return for the following year.
Since the purpose of the self-assessment is for you to reflect upon your strengths and weaknesses, the self-assessment cannot be used as part of your evaluation rating. Evaluators may not suggest changes or edits to the self-assessment, nor can you be required to make changes. The evaluator’s role in the self-assessment is merely to read it, acknowledge it, and use it to inform the rest of the process.
Goals and Ratings without Student Outcomes
No student outcomes (test scores, grades, benchmarks, etc.) can be used to rate you. In turn, your goals should not include student performance indicators, that is, goals should not include quantified student “outcomes.” The “measureable” part of the goal indicates the actions that the educator will take. For example, a goal should not state “80% of my students will show proficiency on a math assessment about fractions.” Instead, you might write, “I will teach at least 5 lessons this year on fractions” (and then describe how these will facilitate learning). Thus, you will be evaluated on your ability to provide opportunities for students – not on how well students perform—which in many ways is out of our control.
Also, while “group goals” are allowed, you cannot be required to use group goals. You are entitled to choose goals that are meaningful to you and your growth as an educator.
Observations Conducted Openly
Announced observations are supposed to last a full class period; if this doesn’t happen you are entitled to another observation.
In the new agreement, for an unannounced observation to “count” as an official unannounced observation, there must be a pre-determined signal between you and the evaluator at the beginning of the visit (so that you know that they are being observed). If this does not happen, then the evaluator may not use any observations collected during this time as evidence for the evaluation.
All observations must be followed by a post-observation “conversation” with you within 10 school days, which must be an “in person” meeting. The subsequent write-up must include evidence of your perspective on what the evaluator initially observed or reported.
Evidence Limited
You need only one piece of evidence for each goal and each of the four standards. This means generally only 6 pieces of evidence need to be submitted, at most. (Note that a single piece of evidence can count towards more than one standard and/or goal). If the evaluator thinks more evidence is needed, the evaluator may ask for additional evidence and needs to explain what they expect. You then have two weeks to provide this evidence.
Missed Evaluation Submission Deadlines
If the evaluator misses the deadline for filing the summative assessment or the formative evaluation in a 2-year plan (barring extenuating circumstances), the plan is extended by an extra year. In other words, you cannot be penalized for the evaluator’s delayed filing.
Mid-Cycle Reports and Summative Ratings
If you are at risk of being rated Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory in an overall Summative rating, you and the BEU president must receive a letter by the end of March forewarning you of this possibility.
If you are rated Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory, the evaluator must have a face-to-face conversation with you about the evaluation.
If you have Professional Status and you are told at mid-cycle that you are making no progress toward achieving your goals, or if you are rated Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory overall in your Summative Evaluation, you are entitled to have your evaluation reviewed by a joint labor-management Evaluation Advisory Panel.
Summative Ratings should give equal weight (20% each) to all of the Standards and the 2 goals, combined. (It remains the case that the regulations require a Proficient in the first two Standards for a Proficient overall.)
The BSC agreed to not use the Exemplary rating unless and until it is negotiated.
You cannot be prevented from receiving a Proficient rating because you decline to attend to work outside of your contractual hours or in violation of duty free lunches, prep periods, or at meetings where you exercise your professional judgment in not attending.
Improvement Plans
An Improvement Plan can be no shorter in length than a full school year. Be sure to be in touch with your Rep is there is any indication that you might be placed on an Improvement Plan.